Seven days international online training programme on “Advances in Diagnosis and Medical Management of Farm animal Diseases” organized by Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics & Jurisprudence during 25th November to 1st December, 2020 at PGIVAS, Akola. Total 295 academician, field vets and postgraduate students across 12 different countries and various states of India participated in programme. Prof. Arcangelo Gentile, President, World Association for Buiatrics, University of Bologna, Italy inaugurated the training programme under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. A. U. Bhikane, Associate Dean, PGIVAS, Akola. Prof. Dr. A. P. Somkuwar, DI and Dean, MAFSU, Nagpur; Dr. D. G. Dighe, Associate Dean, KNPCVS, Shirval and Dr. Vivek Kasaralikar were the Chief guests for valedictory function. 15 distinguished expert speakers guided trainees on various diagnostics techniques and disease management in large ruminants. The training was coordinated by Dr. S. P. Waghmare, HS-TVCC, PGIVAS, Akola. Dr. K. S. Pajai, Dr. B. N. Ambore, Dr. R. K. Jadhav, Dr. P. S. Bankar and Dr. G. J. Panchbhai worked as Co-cordinators of training programme.