Buffallo Farm – Purnathadi Buffalo Unit

Deptt. of Livestock Production and Management, Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Akola.
Purnathadi Buffalo Unit was established under the Deptt. of Livestock Production and Management in the year March-2008 with the intention of preservation and conservation of native germplasm and to provide the instructional facility for the Post Graduate Students. The Purnathadi buffalo is a strain of Nagpuri Buffalo breed. Initially the unit comprised of 20 Nos of Purnathadi Buffaloes and 01 Purnathadi Buffalo Breeding Bull purchased from the local market and farmers doorsteps. Now, the strength of the unit is 42 animals
Distribution of the animals is as follows.
Livestock Strength Group No.
Adult Stock Purnathadi Buffaloes 17
Breeding Bulls 03
Bullocks 02
Young Stock Female 15
Male 05

In the year 2009-10, Two Male Purnathadi Buffalo Calves were sold to the Frozen Semen Laboratory, Nagpur and in the year 2011-12, Thirteen Male Purnathadi Buffalo Calves were sold by Public Auction.

The cost effective Loose Housing System with Two separate compartments (one for adult buffaloes and other for the female calves) is also developed at the Purnathadi Buffalo Unit.

In addition to this, Fodder Production Unit is also working under the Deptt. of Livestock Production and Management. The fodder production unit has approximately 15 acres of cultivable land. The different varieties of fodder crops like Jowar, Maize, Cowpea, Lucerne etc are cultivated on this cultivable land to meet the daily green fodder requirement of the buffaloes and their followers on Purnathadi Buffalo Unit. The unit is also equipped with the irrigation system for cultivation of fodder crops.

Buffallo Farm


Recognition of Berari goat at National Level by ICAR, New Delhi
Berari goat has recently recognized at national level as 23rd goat breed of India. The Accession number of Berari is "INDIA_ GOAT_1100_BERARI_06023". Berari is reared mainly for meat purpose in Vidarbh region of Maharashtra. As a unique feature, animals have light to dark strips on lateral sides from horn base to nostrils of face. The scientific study of Berari at phenotypic as well as genotypic level in all districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state and efforts for recognition of Berari goat was undertaken by Dr. S. V. Kuralkar, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, PGIVAS, Akola and his team.
Originated from BERAR region of Central Province & Berar, which is recently known as Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. Goat prominently occurs in Nagpur, Wardha, Amravati and Akola districts, however, also occurs in rest of the districts of Vidarbha region.
Unique Breed Characteristics:
i) Black coloured ring around neck in adult male.
ii) Black hair line along with the vertebral column extending upto tail.
Berari goat and Deccani sheep research, demonstration and training centre, Borgaon manju is a old cattle breeding farm established in the state. On establishment of MAFSU, during 2007, mandate of the farm is changed with an aim to conserved & multiply Berari goat and deccani sheep.
Due to the lack of any geographical barriers and little controlled breeding by Government/breed societies, there has been large inter-mixing of breeds continuous to each other over the centuries resulting in dilution of breed characteristics making more than 75 percent of the population nondescript.
The indigenous breeds have mostly evolved through natural selection primarily involving adaptation to ecological conditions of their home tract, management system and to a limited extent to meet the economic needs. However, in more recent years, improvement through selection, primarily based on physical conformation and to a very limited extent on production, has been emphasized.
The Berari goat are slowly diminishing in their number and losing their identity in their natural habitat. The present status of the breed is not known and the information in the literature is very limited. No systemic programme has been initiated for its improvement that tempted to undertake research for recognition of this goat breed.

Considering the adoptability trait of this breed in the Vidarbha region of the state it is essential to conserve and improve the native breeds for the production potential on sustainable basis for human economic food. Future planning for Conservation & breeding policy to be adapted it was decided that at Borgaon Farm initially 200 barari females and 20 berari male goats shall be purchased from the region and as per suggestion of Deptt. of AGB, breeding policy shall be adopted to get sizable population of pure Berari goats.

Berari MaleBerari Female


Borgaon (Manju) Farm

Berari goat and Deccani sheep research, demonstration and training centre, Borgaon manju is a old cattle breeding farm established in the state. On establishment of MAFSU, during 2007, mandate of the farm is changed with an aim to conserved & multiply Berari goat and deccani sheep.
  1. Conservation and improvement of local Berari goat and Deccani sheep germplasm.
  2. Training and Demonstration the peoples.
1. Total land : 153 hectors
2. Grazing Land : 114 hectors
3. Land under road & building : 25 hectors
4. Cultivable land : 14 hectors
5. Training hall : 01
6. Dutch barn : 01
7. Store room : 01
8. Water recourses (limited) : 01 well
9. Cattle shed : 03
10. Goat / sheep shed : 02 (300 sq.mt)
11. Cattle : 97
12. No. of goats : 115
13. No. of Sheep : 24
  Total livestock’s : 236
Sr. Designation Sanctioned Filled Vacant
1 Dy. Director 1 1 0
2 Farm Manager 1
3 SMS (AN/AGB/VM) 3 1 2
4 SRA (Agri/Vet) 2 0 2
5 JRA / LSS 2 2 0
6 Agri Assistant 4 2 2
7 Sr. Clerk 1 1 0
8 Jr. Clerk 1 0 1
9 Field Assistant 4 1 3
10 Watchman/Chaukidar 4 4 0
11 Animal Attendant 5 3 2
12 Labour 14 11 3
Perticulars Animals No
1.Female Cows 24
Heifers 03
2 – 3 yrs 04
1-2 yrs 05
6 month to 1 yr 07
Bellow 6 month 06
Total Female 49
2. Male Bullocks 34
2 – 3 yr 03
1 – 2 yrs 06
6 month to 1 yr 02
Bellow 6 month 02
Total Male 47
Perticulars Animals No
1.Female Above 3 Yrs 55
1 – 2 yr 18
Bellow 1 year 11
Total 84
2.Male Above 2 yr breeding Buck 04
Above 1 yr & Below 2 yr 15
Bellow 6 month 12
Total 31
Grand Total 116
Perticulars Animals No
1. Female Sheep 14
Lamb 01
Total 15
2.Male Ram 05
Lamb 04
Total 09
Grand Total 24

1) Road from Sonala road to office building and cattle yard.
2) Errection of overhead water tank at dairy farm.
3) Fencing to office premises.
4) Renovation of office building, training hall and conducted training.
5) Construction of check dam.
6) Prepared “SHET TALE” for recharging of water resource.

Borgaon FarmBorgaon FarmBorgaon FarmBorgaon FarmBorgaon Farm