World Egg Day was celebrated on 9th October, 2020 by Department of Poultry Science, PGIVAS, Akola. A state level online webinar consisted lectures on “Importance of egg in human nutrition” by Prof. Dr. A.U. Bhikane, Associate Dean, PGIVAS, Akola and “Opportunities in Layer farming” by Dr. Atul Latkar, Managing Director, Kasturi Pharma. Pvt.Ltd, Pune. On this occasion, eggs were distributed amongst students, and farmers at the hands of Prof. Dr. A.U. Bhikane, Associate Dean, PGIVAS, Akola. The programme was coordinated by Dr. M. R. Wade, Asst. Professor, Dept. PSC, PGIVAS, Akola. Dr. S.J. Manwar, Dr.D.M. Badukale, Dr. Girish Panchbhai, Dr. P.S.Kuralkar and Mr. P. L. Thakur took efforts for successful organization of events.